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Mitzi's Online Journal !!!

7/5/24 11.06pm js discovered this thing called Navlink Ads, which is pretty cool!! might consider maybe making an add for this site? i've discovered 2 webrings i might wanna join. also, also: might start putting art on here! if i do ill have to figure out how to display it, js bcz i feel like if i make everything full sized it'll become cluttered (in a bad way) rlly easy. will probably keep commission info reserved for carrd js so it's easier to uh edit.
7/5/24 2.53am another massive "overhaul", but this time it was more js a layout change. really it wasn't that hard, the only thing that was pissing me off and taking a long time was fucking around with the fucking div margins. idk if my brain has fallen out of my ears or if those are js rlly fucking hard to figure out i'm going tf to bed, this has stressed me out lol. very proud of how it came out tho! gnna add a custom cursor at sum point as well
7/4/24; 10.22pm hallo!! yesterday i went out with my mother and it was vvvery fun!! as for today, i've just been drawing for artfight and such. not much happened today, but it was still a gud day:p also finally looking into webrings
7/2/24; 11.56pm hello journal. Today was okay, I suppose. I worked on lots of Artfight attacks, so that was good. Something in my personal life came up and it was pretty upsetting, but things have sort of revolved themselves (kinda). I won't go into detail but just know I'm feeling better. I haven't been able to look into webrings today. Maybe I will tomorrow.
7/2/24 phew! js finished the website (completely for now, i hope) and it's 2 AM!! i didn't plan to work for so long, but oh well, lol.. tmrw i might look into webrings, i see them everywhere but i'm not sure what they are! artfight started yesterday, but i haven't been able to do but one piece considering the site is down, or at least was earlier. hope i actually use this thing, since i tend to neglect my physical journals. gute nacht for now friends